Some Friends You Are (Dead Man’s Party)

The legacy of Buffy the Vampire Slayer has remained so powerful over the near twenty years it has been off the air not because of its lack of faults, but because of its strengths. Its faults were aplenty. It did not trade in intricate, watertight plotting. It had no capability for visual spectacle. Its worldbuildingContinue reading “Some Friends You Are (Dead Man’s Party)”

It Could Be Witches, Some Evil Witches (Witch)

With the opening two-parter laying the groundwork for much of this season, introducing the characters, the setting, the basic premise, the Big Bad(s), this episode takes the effort to introduce us to the final main element of the show as it was originally conceived – the Monster as metaphor for a Relatable Teenage Experience. The final scene of The Harvest promises a cornucopia of villains (“Not just vampires.”) from the show, but this is the first time we see it in action, with our Witchcraft-powered villain. In a way, this episode can be seen as the third part of a three-part premiere, for how much it solidifies the character dynamics and main interests of the show.